082922 Scholar贷款


奖学金 & 贷款

OUWB金融服务致力于通过提供多种类型的经济援助,帮助我们的学生减轻医学教育的经济成本.  结合, 这些资源使OUWB的每个学生都能满足其医学教育投资的成本,无论其收入水平或经济背景如何.



本大学致力于确保学生获得世界一流的医学教育,无论学生的经济需求水平如何. OUWB奖学金颁发给优秀的新生,以表彰他们的学术成就, personal attributes, commitment to serving others and the medical profession, 财务需要, and how strongly they align with the mission and values of OUWB. 

被录取的学生希望获得OUWB奖学金的充分考虑,需要填写FAFSA并包括他们的父母信息*. OUWB does not require a separate scholarship application. 你在入学申请和FAFSA上向学校提供的信息用于确定你的资格. 


The OUWB scholarship selection process is on-going and, depending on availability of funds, may continue until classes begin in early August. 

Current Student 奖学金

奖学金颁发给在校学生,以表彰他们不断致力于完成学校的各个方面 OUWB任务. 近年来, scholarships have been awarded for demonstrated academic excellence, commitment to serving the community, and providing leadership in medical education.

捐助者资助的奖学金申请过程每年向在读学生公布, typically in September. 

Generous donors to these scholarships have included: 

The Beaumont Foundation

Dr. 詹姆斯五世. 还有露丝·休伯纳

博士一家. W.J. 还有莉莲·凯姆勒


The Schostak Family 

These donors share a passion for OUWB's mission, 强烈的愿望,帮助医学生减少他们的医学教育债务, and recognize the importance of exceptional performance, both in and outside of the classroom.

External-funding Opportunities

In addition to the internal funding opportunities listed above, OUWB金融服务强烈鼓励未来和现在的学生定期探索以下外部机会,并考虑追求与个人教育和专业兴趣和目标一致的机会.

以下是由大学外部资源创建的网页链接. 这些链接的存在并不表示大学批准或认可这些网页的内容.

OUWB Outside 搜索 Process and List

Service Commitment Scholarship Programs

Indian Health Service (IHS) Scholarship Program

National Health Services Corps Scholarship


Direct Unsubsidized 贷款

医学院学生可获得直接无补贴贷款,不以经济需要为基础. 利息从贷款发放之日起开始累积,任何未付的利息将在贷款进入还款时资本化(添加到贷款的本金中). 还款从毕业六个月后开始,或者你的入学时间低于半期制.

For further information: 
Federal 学生援助: Subsidized and Unsubsidized 贷款 

Types of 贷款 and Interest Rates


Direct Graduate PLUS 贷款

直接研究生PLUS贷款提供给医学生,不以经济需要为基础. You must not have an adverse credit history. If you are determined to have an adverse credit history, 如果您获得没有不良信用记录的背书人,您仍然可以获得直接PLUS贷款. 利息从贷款发放之日起开始累积,任何未付的利息将在贷款进入还款时资本化(添加到贷款的本金中). 还款从毕业六个月后开始,或者你的入学时间低于半期制.

For further information see:

Federal 学生援助: PLUS 贷款

Find current rates:

兴趣: Current Interest Rates

贷款费用: 当前贷款费用


私人贷款是用来帮助学生支付教育费用,最高可达上学费用. 私人贷款是由私人贷款人提供的,不需要填写联邦表格. Eligibility for private student loans often depends on your credit score.

Oakland University will certify a private loan from any private lender, students are encouraged to compare federal and private loan options prior to applying for a private loan. 如果你考虑申请私人贷款,进行尽职调查是特别重要的.


In response to the nationwide COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak, 365英国上市官网威廉博蒙特医学院和365英国上市官网正在努力满足学生个人的独特需求,并立即采取行动确保安全是首要任务. 

由于公开大学和公开大学教职员工的慷慨捐赠,公开大学医学院学生紧急救济基金得以成立, 工作人员, 校友, 和捐助者.

Student Emergency Relief Award Criteria
学生救济基金是为目前在读的M .提供有限的紧急财政支持.D. 因暂时或意外的困难而无法支付基本费用的攻读学位的医学生.

奖励的最高金额一般不超过1,000美元,通常只颁发一次. 关于资金支付的决定是根据具体情况作出的. Awards are not considered loans and do not require repayment. 有些基金可能被视为收入,因此需要缴纳联邦税.

Types of Expenses That May Be Considered for Funding include:

  • Car repairs or emergency transportation
  • 因被盗或在火灾、洪水或自然灾害中丢失的重要物品的补发
  • Safety-related needs (i.e.,换锁)
  • 如果你发现自己无家可归或处于不安全的情况下,紧急临时住宿
  • 紧急医疗/药物/处方,当你没有能力支付和费用不能由保险承担
  • 在家人突然死亡或其他紧急情况下回国的旅费

Expenses that may be considered on a case-by-case basis:

  • 除了al expenses resulting from a loss of employment by a student, 他们的配偶, or significant other.

Types of Expenses That Cannot Be Covered by This Fund:
(Note: This list is not exhaustive.)

  • Expenses due to a lack of financial planning or overspending
  • Outstanding debt to the university or otherwise (i.e., credit cards, fees past due, etc.)
  • Normal and anticipated academic expenses (tuition, 大学学费, 健康保险, 出国留学, 书, 租金)
  • Penalties, fines, tickets, or legal fees
  • 与损坏或盗窃无关的非必要的公用事业、家庭或家具费用
  • Costs of entertainment, recreation, or non-emergency travel
  • 因火灾、洪水、盗窃或自然灾害而更换非必需的个人物品

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must be students in the OUWB Doctor of Medicine program.
  • 申请人必须能够提供证明其经济困难的文件.

Applying for Funding
To apply for funding, 医学生应联系OUWB金融服务部门讨论他们的需求, and complete the OUWB Student Emergency Relief Assistance form. 他们将被要求提供证明文件,以证实他们的需求.

请注意,提交请求并不保证紧急资金将获得批准. All decisions are final and cannot be appealed elsewhere.

University Contacts

OUWB 金融服务, (电子邮件保护)

请与其他有兴趣支持医科学生的人分享有关OUWB医学院学生应急基金的信息,并将他们引导到我们的 贡献页面.

Contact 金融服务

We may be contacted directly at (电子邮件保护) or by phone at (248) 370-3611.